Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sharon Baird and Our Boys on the Road for SF Carnaval

 Sharon Baird will be leading the Trinidad and Tobago Steelband on the road in the San Francisco Carnaval Memorial Day weekend. Parade starts at 10am on Mission Street.

 Come out and join for us for a day of steelpan music on de road for the SF Carnival with the Trinidad and Tobago Steelpan along former members from Our Boys Steel Orchestra, Bruce, Sharon, Ollison, Skiffle Bunch and The Coffee Boys member, Terry Kinsale Figuera, Chabot Panhandlers member Anna Talamo, along with lengendary percussionist Val Serrant, Zwadie - Grenada, Hugh Humphrey - T&T, Carlyle Garrett - St. Vincent, Harry Best - St Lucia, La Mantia (Liz) - Cali and a host of others. De truck will be on de road, with pulsating steelpan music for yuh to wine yuh bumcy, play yuh self or shake yuh choice is YOURS. T-Shirts will be on sale for $20.00..pic's to follow soon. dey nice. YOU MUST BE IN SHIRT IN ORDER TO JOIN DE BAND, so get yours early.

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