Saturday, July 21, 2012

PanWest CSMC Announcement and FAQs

We are waiving the registration fee for the first 20 students who enroll 
before Aug. 20. See Registration Form below.
Some FAQs
Q: Are pans provided for the class or do students have to bring 
their own?
A: We provide all the pans for the classes but students are welcome to 
bring their own.
Q: Does anyone rent pans(so I could practice and/or have them for class 
if needed)?
A: We don't know of anyone else who rents pans and all our pans will be 
in use at the Center. But if there is enough interest in renting we will 
look into bringing in more pans.
Q: Is a double seconds spot in the class still open?
A: Yes, Double seconds are open.
Q: Will the classes run for a certain # of weeks then finish with a  
performance, or will the class just run open-ended? If a performance, do  
you know that date?
A: The classes will run open-ended and we plan to have quarterly 
performances but no date has been chosen until we know what the full 
enrollment will be.
Q: I'd love to do the Thursday class but couldn't because I already have 
a commitment that night of the week. 
A: For now the classes are set tentatively. If more members in the 
Intermediate class would rather meet on Thursdays or vice versa we would 
consider switching them. 
Q: Is the Adults reading/rhythm class included in the tuition or is that 
a separate fee? Should I do that, too?
A:Right now, the reading/rhythm is offered as part of the tuition and 
is optional, as needed.
The Pandamentals class is also free to all registered students. It's 
intensive and is really aimed at mastering the instrument.
Please send your questions and/or suggestions to
or call 510 222 1123.

Student Name:
Last__________________________ First______________________
Number & Street__________________________________________
City________________State_____ Zip____________________
Day__________________________ Evening________________
Date of Birth:___________
Father's Name (Youth)___________________________
Mother's Name (Youth)___________________________
Previous Study: Instrument/Number of Years:
Registration Fee: $35.00 individual/$50.00 family per year________
Class Tuition: $100/month (10% discount to former students of Harry Best and one referral of their choice; 20% Discount for additional family members)
Make check payable to: PanWest CSMC Amount Enclosed: _____________
(Please circle one)
MC, Visa, Disc,# __________________________
Exp Date: ____________ Zip Code ________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Mail Form to: PanWest CSMC 10855 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito CA 94530

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PanWest CSMC Open House

You are invited to the Grand Opening of the PanWest Caribbean Steelpan Music Center. Open House August 18, 3-7pm. Bring a friend. 10855 San Pablo Ave El Cerrito CA 94530. 510 222 1123. Meet and greet other Bay Area pan musicians and learn about PanWest plans and programs for the future. Classes begin Monday August 20.
Join PanWest Facebook Group:

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Sharon Baird with the 'Bang Band

Sharon Baird with Ed McCarver (L) and Dexter Bruce (R) of Shabang at Sam's Chowder House in Half Moon Bay June 16, 2012. Trio did a repeat performance July 7.

Val Serrant KAISO Fundraiser

Thursday, July 05, 2012

PanWest CSMC program set to launch in August

10855 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito CA 94530 - 510 222 1123

We have finalized terms with our landlord and classes are set to begin the week of August 19. Here is what the monthly program looks like right now. Things could change as we progress:


Kids/Jumbies (Beginners) – Reading and Rhythm (4-5pm)
Kids/Jumbies (Beginners) – Jumbie Jam Tunes (5-6pm)

Adults/Beginners – Rhythm and Reading (6-7pm)
Adults/Beginners Pan Tunes (7-8pm)

Tuesdays* (Pickleweed Community Center, San Rafael)
Beginning Caribbean Steelpans 6-7pm
Intermediate Caribbean Steelpans 7-8pm


Kids/Pandaleros (Intermediates) – Reading and Rhythm (5-6pm)
Kids/Pandaleros Steelband – (6-7pm)

Adults - Rhythm and Reading (7-8pm)
Adults – Cerritos Intermediate Steelband (8-9pm)


Adults – Panchant Advanced Steelband (7-9pm)


Caribbean Film Festival (8-10pm)


Pandaleros Pandamentals 10-11am
Adults Pandamentals 11-12noon
Private Lessons 12-5pm

Small Ensemble Performances (Fourth Saturday) – 7:30-9:30pm


Pan in the Park Jam sessions (check for schedule) (3-6pm)

*El Cerrito CSMC closed.