Thursday, December 31, 2015

Steel drum classes for Winter 2016

The San Rafael classes scheduled to begin Tuesday January 5, 2016 have been cancelled since we did not have enough registrants. We will try again in the spring. Meanwhile we will be having an Intermediate class in El Cerrito on Tuesday evenings 8-9pm.

Free introductory steel drum class is continuing on Mondays 6-7pm. Joel and Wendy have the 7-8pm slot on Mondays. Linda has the 7-8pm slot on Tuesdays. Intermediates are 8-9pm on Tuesdays. Other individual classes will be scheduled based on availability. A new Kids steel drum class will begin at 10am on Saturday mornings.

I am launching a new Pandamentals class for Saturdays 11am., starting Jan. 16. This is a 12-week class that focuses strictly on vocabulary and will be very intense. You will be given a new piece of vocabulary every week and you will be expected to take it through all 12 keys at 60bpm. The goal is to eventually play all 12 pieces of vocabulary in all 12 keys in eighth-notes at 60bpm. At the end of the course, presuming you complete and master the exercises, you should be well equipped to improvise on any tune or progression. It’s $20 per class but just $150 (a $90 savings) if you pay for all 12 classes in advance. No refunds because I want you to see it through once you commit. But it’s going to be rigorous!

Let’s make it a Pan-filled year!
510 222 1123
10855 San Pablo Ave El Cerrito CA 94530