Friday, April 09, 2010

Bay Area Pan Scene coming alive

The pan scene is coming alive in the Bay Area as spring sets in. If you missed it, there was wild pan jam in Oakland March 28 in celebration of drummer Tony D's birthday. Tony, a Trini who is no stranger to pan occasionally hosts these panjams especially when tuner Leroy 'Ali' Williams is in town. Pan players present were Paul Snagg, Asheba, Olison Batiste, Terry Figueroa, Mark Rosenthal, Liz LaMantia, yours truly and a host of other musicians. The party went late into the night.
Another pan related gathering took place at Ashkenaz April 2 when Caribbean Allstars resurfaced with the return from Trinidad of leader Hugh 'Sweetfoot' Maynard. The foot was chillin' in T&T for Carnival. Paul Snagg delivered some impressive licks on double seconds that revealed how much he had been shedding over the winter. Pan Exstasy led by panman Ashton Craig played the opening set.

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