STEEL JAM (steel drum band) at “Marin Human Race” fund raiser
Sat., May 12, 7-10:30 AM (Race begins at 8:30 AM)
Join over 4,000 racers & walkers in the largest
collaborative, nonprofit celebration in Marin County!
--Proceeds benefit Marin Community Foundation and other Marin nonprofits
--Marin Center Fairgrounds & Lagoon in San Rafael
--To register, or for more info, go to: http://www.marinhumanrace.com/
Sat., May 12, 7-10:30 AM (Race begins at 8:30 AM)
Join over 4,000 racers & walkers in the largest
collaborative, nonprofit celebration in Marin County!
--Proceeds benefit Marin Community Foundation and other Marin nonprofits
--Marin Center Fairgrounds & Lagoon in San Rafael
--To register, or for more info, go to: http://www.marinhumanrace.com/