Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Fall 2014 Steelpan Classes in session

OK Everyone:
I am back from vacation. Sorry I was out of contact, but that's what vacations are supposed to be like. I will try to address everyone's needs and requests hopefully before the Solano Stroll.
  • We are still at our same location 10855 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, at least until the end of the year, although our space is reduced. 
  •  Intermediates will resume on Wednesday Sept. 10, 8am. 
  • Pandamentals on Saturdays, won't get going until October. I am really excited about this space as I have a whole new approach and organized technique that is sure to improve your playing.
  • I am still working on resuming the Kids class as I have a a lot more requests from other parents.
  • Tuesday evening classes in San Rafael resumes Sept. 16
, 6-8pm at the San Rafael Community Center on B Street.
  • Our Thursday night Panjazz sessions also resume Sept. 11, 7pm.
Call me or email me with questions or concerns.
510 222 1123