New Class Opens in Richmond A beginners’ steelpan class offered by West Contra Costa Adult Education will start Tuesday March 29 8pm at the Alvardao campus, 5625 Sutter St., Richmond CA 94804.
The class will run for 7 weeks. The fee is $35. See class listing and info at this link:
Beginning and Intermediate Classes in Session in San Rafael
Beginning and intermediate classes are now in their third week at Pickleweed Community Center in San Rafael. Beginners start at 6pm on Wednesdays followed by the Intermediates at 7pm. Classes run through April 6. See flyer attached for more info.
Pan Jose Class to resume
The South Bay Pan Group will resume classes in April following a short break to allow students to travel and celebrate Carnival in Trinidad&Tobago. Call 510 222 1123 for more information on this class.
Intermediate Class Starting in Orinda
A new intermediate class will begin in Orinda and run concurrently with the Beginners’ class for the spring session starting April 11. Intermediates will meet at 6-7pm and Beginners 7-8pm at the Orinda Community Center, 26 Orinda Way in Orinda Ca. Call 925 253 4203 for registration.
CSM Panhandlers in concert April 1, 2011
Don’t miss the CSM Pandlers steelpan CD release concert April 1. The Panhandlers have been the premier steelpan program in the Bay Area for more than 20 years. They are internationally acclaimed. If you have never seen or heard a full steelpan orchestra of more than 20 people you will totally enjoy this performance. The title of the CD is taken from a tune I wrote for the Trinidad And Tobago Carnival entitled ‘Pan is deT’ing’. The Panhandlers recorded the tune for their new CD.
When: Friday, 4/1/ 2011 [7:30pm]
What: In concert with 11-time Grammy winner Tony Lindsay. With special guests: Internationally recognized percussionist Michael Spiro and the Nueva School and North Shoreview Montessori School Steel Drum Bands. The Panhandlers will also be celebrating the release of their 5th CD Pan Is De 'Ting.
Where: College of San Mateo Theater
1700 West Hillsdale Blvd., San Mateo
Ticket Info: For advance tickets: Please mail your check payable to: "Panhandlers Steel Drum Band" 3718 Casanova Drive San Mateo, CA 94403 Gen-Admission $15.00 Seniors / students: $13.00 Note: We will hold your tickets at will-call unless you indicate that you want them mailed to you. Ticket booth will open at 6:30pm the day of the show (doors open at 7pm).
Read more about the Panhandlers here:
Steelpan for sale
I have one previously owned lead steelpan for sale. It is in excellent condition and well tuned. It’s a Low C tenor voice in the Circle of Fifths pattern and powder-coated in silver. It was a Christmas gift for a young boy who preferred to play guitar. Hardly played on. Comes with free mallets and instruction book. Total package is $800 (plus tax). First come First Served! I can be reached at 510 222 1123.
If you are interested in purchasing a steelpan, let me know how much you are willing to spend and I will do my best to get you the most value for your money.
Harry's Upcoming public gigs
- I will be doing a steelpan solo at the Marin Civic Center Farmers’ Market on Sunday March 27, 9-1pm. Come out and say hello.
- I will be performing with a fellow pan musician as a steelpan duo April 2, 6:30-9:30pm at Tiki Tom’s, Olympic Bl. In Walnut Creek. Fun atmosphere with Hawaiian food and tropical drinks. Would love to see you there. You can also find other public performances by my group in the Calendar section at this link:
Questions? Call me at 510 222 1123; or email has everything you need to play beautiful steeldrum music!